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Five page essay

Five page essay

5 Paragraph Essay,College writing guides

WebYou Can Write a Five Page Essay in 1 Hour. Gather everything you’ll need. Write your thesis statement. Create an outline. Introduction: (3 paragraphs, 1 page) First paragraph: Introduce the topic. Not your thesis mind you. While you might ordinarily introduce your WebFree Directory of Sample 5 Page Essays Knowledge Transfer Research Paper. Knowledge transfer refers to the cognizable hand-over of knowledge and understanding Employee Web5 Paragraph Essay A Hook for an Essay APA Body Paragraph Context Essay Outline Evidence Harvard Hedging Language Used in Academic Writing MHRA Referencing Web5-Page Essay Samples Free samples of this type Applying Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory in Motivating Apple Inc’s Employees Introduction New York Times Magazine WebA 5-page essay is a long paper and you cannot have only one or two discussion points. Having too many points (more than 5 sub-sections) is also a bad strategy since it will ... read more

In the modern world, the high level of globalization increases Introduction Gaining entrepreneurial skills is an important component of a successful self-development practice aimed at training individual attainments in assessing current market conditions and introducing adequate methods of competition. During my study of current theoretical concepts in this industry, I have identified a number of meaningful frameworks that have shaped I have been inclined to learn of other artists who share the same activity line, such as Kelly Akashi and Edward Ruscha Introduction The issues concerning ethnicity and race have been complexifying public life for centuries.

Every sphere of life is touched by inequality, unfairness, and varying attitudes towards different groups of people based on their race, ethnic identity, or any other feature. However, the questions regarding the absence of racial equality Introduction Nowadays, the social conditions of different people are changing for the better, but this does not entirely protect them from the emergence of adverse mental illnesses and addictions. Unfortunately, addiction to psychoactive substances remains a pressing problem Rosen, et al. Such substances include alcohol Class A , which causes The impact of globalization and industrial progress is considered in relation to the activities of PepsiCo. Evaluation models will be applied: industrial organization and resource-based, each of which Introduction The Constitution of the United States is the core document that ensures the democratic values of the country and guarantees basic human rights regardless of age, gender, and race.

Consequently, it also restricts the governmental power to mitigate the possibilities of unjustified laws and regulations. The First Amendment to The world is constantly becoming more and more interdependent, and people need to react to these changes by developing cultural intelligence and flexibility. All the cultures have different cultural peculiarities that were formed throughout their history and development of the nation. It is necessary to consider and respect the cultural As a result of the shift in equilibrium, the ecosystem is under threat, including the future of humanity.

For instance, the average global temperatures have risen by 1. Introduction A sustainable kitchen should be eco-friendly that means the design should be developed to ensure there is not wastage of resources such as electricity, water, food and time when working. There should be high advocacy on recycling the ingredients and creation of stunning design all meant to save the Background The purchasing of a house is one of the most complicated financial decisions people make. It requires significant efforts to choose the most suitable option, taking into account all the current and potential necessities of a family.

The vital point is the price of a house and other related Introduction Imogene M. King coined conceptual system theory to help nurses care for patients. The theory contains Introduction Motorcycles have become one of the most common, accessible, and affordable transport means globally. With over three decades in existence, motorcycles have gone through several phases, each with increasing complexity and improved appearance. Although they were originally developed for transport purposes, they are used for recreation purposes and have Introduction Techfite is a medical technology company based in Houston, Texas, near the Johnson Space Center.

The organization partners with NASA to produce medical devices specifically for the space program. Currently, the company seeks to collaborate with international agencies, which implies the need to process, store and transfer more data The Critique of Pure Reason, the main philosophical work of Immanuel Kant, was published in , the result of reckless writing after many years of deliberation. Before its creation, Kant reported that it was no longer possible to keep such complex material in mind, and it was urgently required to Common bullying behaviors include; yelling, public belittling, Condescending Introduction An in-depth study of musical theory is impossible without a conjugate study of the biographies and creative paths of eminent artists in a particular field.

It is paramount to recognize that the history of music is not objective but rather is written by the musicians and artists who make Theater and plays are important tools through which artists can speak to the public about social issues. Gender inequality has attracted massive attention since the late 19th century, which is also reflected in the work of women playwrights of different periods. The psychological pressure that women experienced while in the Legal System and Colonization For decades, both the business and social environment of the United States have been regarded as an example of a socio-cultural conglomerate that encompasses the interaction of various systems and cultural traditions.

Throughout the history of humanity, people have been striving to comprehend the world they live in, constructing theories of various kinds to explain their observations. Some of the most fundamental philosophical problems are addressed by the branch of philosophy called epistemology, which studies the nature, origin, and limits of human It encompasses a broad range of cultures and communities, with languages alone numbering in the hundreds. With this in mind, it is clear that Introduction The health care system faces an ever-increasing number of challenges, including a lack of resources, growing healthcare costs, and increased public expectations. Interprofessional collaboration is necessary to provide patients with comprehensive, safe and treatment.

Many people find it hard to balance reality and their dreams and fantasies. Character choices, setting, symbolism, and themes in a story highlight the most important lessons intended by the author. The story The Wall of Fire Deep Economy by Bill McKibben gives an insight into the current United States economy and how the future of the nation is in danger if the current economic processes continue being followed. Bill McKibben describes that the United States has become obsessed with getting more material items rather than acquiring Both authors have qualifications in the Department of Medicine, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, and the Leonard Davis Institute of Health Thales Thales of Miletus is remembered for their influences on science and philosophy.

Though there are no writings on Thales, his achievements are difficult to evaluate and are based on the legendary Seven Wise Men. As a practical statesman, Thales advocated the unification of Ionian cities in the Aegean region Due to such realism, it is easy to see their reaction to Introduction The novel Nausea, written by Jean-Paul Sartre, is a philosophical masterpiece that addresses the topic of existentialism. I am happy: this cold is so pure, this night so Introduction Unlike classical constructivism, Rawls significantly revises the concept of the social contract. It is a kind of ideal hypothetical situation in which people choose the principles of a fair social structure.

Philosopher seeks to model the conditions for concluding a contract that would guarantee a fair outcome; in other Introduction Immigration, the movement of people from their home country to another with the aim of settling, has been an inherent part of the human history. Throughout the years of human existence, there have been numerous mass migrations of small and large groups of people. Although the person entering a Introduction If a person is in a socially dangerous situation, immediate intervention is required to ensure the safety and well-being of the child. For example, it can be physical abuse or mistreatment of a child, abandonment, or sexual violence. At the same time, the absence of the necessary basic care Introduction Psychology often interests people who are not scholars or students of the corresponding faculty.

As such, movie directors and screenwriters find phenomena that this scientific field describes as inspirational. Obviously, mental disorders receive special attention from film creators due to the fact that people like to observe the unusual Introduction The development of criminological theory occurs with the transformation of the political and social system. Since the judicial system is an instrument for ensuring public order and stability, it primarily responds to the current needs of society. Historically, the criminological theory has shifted its focus from studying crime and Introduction Rice has been in existence for decades now, documented to have been first grown around the Asian continents; Thailand, China, and Japan.

Its preparation has evolved with time concerning cultural diversification and practices among communities in the world. Vegetable rice, for instance, is said to have been invented in Introduction Today, people continue making multiple attempts to create a fair and equal society and improve the conditions under which they live and develop relationships. Sometimes, it does not take much time or effort to implement a policy and consider the interests and needs of communities. In some situations, many Introduction The public discourse of the 21st century in the United States is centered around modern values, such as social equality and acknowledgement of human rights.

In this regard, the issues of racism and discrimination have become particularly topical today. Previously, people of color had to endure serious disparities without Emily Elizabeth Dickinson is a great poetess of the nineteenth century originally from Amherst, Massachusetts, and the world-renowned for her mystic and captivating poetry. During her saturated literature path, she developed Introduction Data is linked to a map using GIS Geographic Information Systems , which combines location data the position of items with various types of descriptive information the description of what they are. Science and nearly every business rely on this for mapping and analysis.

GIS aids users in gaining a The gift of changing reality made people vain enough to step in for God and produce creatures of metal to reflect mankind Understanding continuum and coordination of care Care coordination has various meanings depending on whose scholar is describing it. However, the basic understanding is that it refers to the appropriate delivery of healthcare services through the organization of several participants, including patients, their families, nurses, physicians, and other medical professionals Swan Introduction Chocolate is one of the most popular and required products in the modern world. It is a critical component of various dishes and products used by millions of people globally. For this reason, the demand for it remains high, while the industry responsible for its production faces numerous challenges Introduction to Osmosis Osmosis is one of the important ways that plants and animals achieve homeostasis Djelti It is the process of moving water through a semipermeable membrane from an area of low osmolarity to an area of high osmolarity.

Osmosis plays a vital role in the body of The Ethics of Virtue History of the Ethics of Virtue The founders of virtue ethics are Plato and, to a greater extent, Aristotle. It remained the dominant approach in Western moral philosophy until the Enlightenment. It declined in the nineteenth century but revived in the s in Anglo-American philosophy Alejo Introduction The United States of America could not have become the superpower that it is without engaging in fierce battles, resisting British colonial rule, and rebelling against oppression. The Revolutionary War is one of the defining moments in American history as it led to American independence through the expulsion The protagonist of a classic tragedy of a heroic and noble person whose downfall is triggered by a defect in his character.

His frailty causes him to become caught in events that overwhelm him, Patient Isabel, 26 years-old female from Michigan, came to a social worker feeling pain and as if she was guilty; she was anxious, sleepy, and depressed. She narrated that her problem started immediately after her parents divorced when she was only three years old. For the better part of her This article was published in the source journal, Public Health Nursing PHN. The authors of the article are; Mary Wassel Zavala LCSW, MPP, MA , Digitalization has introduced a range of undeniably useful options and opportunities for people worldwide, enhanced communication and global connectivity being the key advantages. There are several key risks to the U. The spread of the Omicron Coronavirus strain threatens to reduce U.

employment and economic activity, and increased economic uncertainty will contribute to inflation. A new outbreak of the infection in the country Introduction Understanding how an entrepreneur makes decisions when chasing entrepreneurial opportunities is important in the business field. Recent literature has employed the causation and effectuation concept to explore the variations in the internal logic of making decisions between novices and professional entrepreneurs. Causation is goal-oriented and will uncover the means Introduction Technology in the modern world is an integral part of human life.

Technological progress is developing rapidly and rapidly every day. It has played a significant role in the development of almost all industries, such as business, education, healthcare, banking, transport and entertainment, etc. From the scientific point of The Peloponnesian War is among the most contentious topics in history. The opponents might claim that there is no justice in conquering weaker people. Therefore, great leaders should act like philosophers and govern with a high level of maturity and virtues. Conversely, the proponents may argue that it is the The program is a medical professional orientation program offered by the National Student Leadership Conference NSLC. It is intended for middle school students enrolled in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades and lasts for six days NSLC, The used location is Crystal Gateway Marriott in Washington, D.

As per the Introduction Mike is a year-old White high school student in the 9th grade. He lives with his family in the city and transits to school from home every day. It is diagnosed early Today, every person living in the United States still experiences the influence of the nineteenth century on their Introduction The two novels talk about events that people experience in real-life. Whitehead The beauty of this process is that your argument is now fully mapped out, and you know exactly what you need to say. The first thing to do is nail down your thesis statement. Again, the body of your essay hinges on the main point contained in your essay, so you need to be certain of that before you proceed. Next, you can start to put together your body paragraphs.

Be sure you include transitions between paragraphs, otherwise, your essay will feel very robotic and will not be enjoyable to read. Transitions help to show the relationship between thoughts as you move from one to another. You can use simple transitions i. first, next, and last ; or use phrases to show similarity i. also, in the same way, likewise, just as, etc. but, however, in spite of, etc. Remember, there is often more to your topic than can be explained in a five-paragraph essay. Keep this perspective in mind and remember that however brilliant your essay is, it is not the end-all-be-all on the subject.

The five-paragraph essay is, however, an excellent vehicle you can use to explain your original thought on a subject in an organized manner. Write a 5 paragraph essay by following the basic structure: introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. A 5 paragraph essay can be anywhere from one to one hundred pages; it all depends on how much you need to support your thesis statement. A 5 paragraph essay can contain as many words as necessary to fully support and explain your main point, or your thesis. Typically, a 5 paragraph essay will contain 4 topic sentences with one of them being the thesis statement, and the other 3 being the topic sentences of the body paragraphs. A 5 paragraph essay can look very different from one essay to the next, however they will all follow the basic structure of the five paragraphs: introduction, at least 3 supporting paragraphs, and a conclusion.

A five-paragraph essay is a prose composition that follows the basic structure of five paragraphs that include an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Because of how it is built; like a hamburger with a definite beginning bun , middle segmented into separate parts hamburger patty, lettuce, condiments, etc. True or false: In a five-paragraph essay, you should always devote one entire paragraph to a background explanation of the topic. In a five-paragraph essay, is it possible to use more than five paragraphs or less than five paragraphs? Brainstorming can give ideas about how the topic relates to you the writer and what you might have to say about it.

The structure of an essay is the arrangement of the essay's paragraphs. The structure organizes the essay into distinct parts to make it easy to read. A thesis statement is a one-sentence summary of the main point of an essay. It tells the reader what the argument or idea is before going into detail. The second body paragraph should cover the second strongest argument or second most important point of the essay. Because the third body paragraph covers the least important idea of an essay, it's not really necessary. The third body paragraph is a chance to reinforce the ideas of the first and second paragraphs by building on them. The purpose of an essay is the effect a writer intends to have on the reader.

It's the one thing the writer wants the reader to walk away from the essay feeling, thinking, or knowing. A writer covers a different characteristic of a text in their body paragraphs. What type of outline are they using? Chronological means arranging events in the order in which they happened. Chronologies tell a story of what happened over time. An intro paragraph is the first paragraph of an essay. A writer starts an essay with the following hook: Could you imagine a world without television? When sharing an important story for a hook, one must tell only stories that come from personal experience. An important story can be a personal experience or a story from the news, popular culture, or any other source. The purpose of using a shocking fact or statistic for a hook is to shock the reader so they want to learn more.

In an essay, the writer describes a moment where they were caught up in a state of flow. What type of hook is this an example of? False: A memorable quote can come from a person who is famous or not famous. The quote is what matters! They might not agree with the statement, but they will want to see how the writer supports it. The thesis statement is one sentence that states the main idea of the essay. Think of it as the sentence that tells the reader what they are about to learn about the topic. The thesis statement appears at the end of the intro paragraph. It should be the last thing the reader sees before moving on to the body paragraphs. Over 10 million students from across the world are already learning smarter. Select your language. Suggested languages for you:. Deutsch DE.

Deutsch UK. Deutsch US. Americas English US. Europe English DE English UK. StudySmarter - The all-in-one study app. Link copied! Rate Get App Share. English 5 Paragraph Essay. Want to get better grades? Nope I Sure Do. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Call to action Because of [insert main idea], you should take [X] action. Provocative question What do you think will happen if [X] continues or ceases. Evocative statement Could be a quote or anything you think will stir the emotions of the reader on the subject. Background: The world has changed rapidly in the last fifty years. Body paragraph 1 Topic sentence: The progression of technology has given children more entertainment, but it has also decreased their attention spans, making it much more difficult to keep them on task. Body paragraph 2 Topic sentence: Not only do parents have to be aware of the effects of constant screen usage, it means they must also be vigilant about their children being exposed to inappropriate material.

Supporting detail: In film Supporting detail: On television Supporting detail: Online Body paragraph 3 Topic sentence: Children are now often exposed to dangerous situations during their daily lives or via the media. A Note on The Limits of the 5 Paragraph Essay Remember, there is often more to your topic than can be explained in a five-paragraph essay. Five-paragraph essays are a great tool for timed writing assignments and exams, but can also be used as a foundation for any type of essay. Start writing a five-paragraph essay by creating a thesis statement. Each body paragraph is one piece of support for the essay's thesis. They should each have a topic sentence, or main idea , that is in support of the overall thesis.

The conclusion of a five-paragraph essay is important because it restates the thesis and then makes the subject personal to the reader. Frequently Asked Questions about 5 Paragraph Essay How do I write a 5 paragraph essay? How long is a 5 paragraph essay? How many words are in a 5 paragraph essay? How many topic sentences are in a 5 paragraph essay? What does a 5 paragraph essay look like? Final 5 Paragraph Essay Quiz. Question What is the definition of a five-paragraph essay? Show answer. Answer A five-paragraph essay is a prose composition that follows the basic structure of five paragraphs that include an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Show question. Question Why are five-paragraph essays a good choice for timed exam assignments? Answer True. Answer Organize. Question Why is the five-paragraph essay often referred to as a "hamburger" essay style? Answer Because of how it is built; like a hamburger with a definite beginning bun , middle segmented into separate parts hamburger patty, lettuce, condiments, etc. Question Which paragraph in a five-paragraph essay contains the hook? Answer Introduction. The thesis is what the writer wants the reader to understand at the onset. This will help you avoid many pitfalls when writing. An outline helps you to stay organized and on track as you write.

It makes it easier to keep your thought process clear and concise. You will spend most of your time at this stage of the writing process. This should be a fun experience, you should try and have more fun than stress about this part. At all times, stay vigilant and vigilant, if you feel like you are getting stuck, take a break and then continue writing. Your goal when writing essays is to answer your questions in a well-written manner. Your goal is not to impress people, and so you should not write your essay just to write it. When you write about the world, or yourself, you should write about what you know best. For example, if you want to write about your own feelings, you should write about your own experiences.

This should help you to connect back to your own experiences and emotions. This is one of the best ways to write your essay. If you get stuck at this point, take a break. Then you can come back to the essay with fresh inspiration. You should use short paragraphs, and you should use plenty of writing down notes. This will help you get clear in your head. Your aim in writing an essay should be to get to the end with clarity. This means that you should be able to get your thoughts together and make sure that they are organized and connected. It is important to proofread your essay. You should do this before you write your final copy. This will enable you to see any spelling errors, grammar errors, and organizational errors.

When you proofread, you should take all of your notes that you have made and incorporate them into the finished copy. You should never stop editing until you are completely satisfied with your piece. This is another important step to write your essay. You should be sure to format your text because it is a way of making sure that your content is easy to read. You should use proper headings, indent, and bullet points. The five-paragraph essay has been a staple in the American public school system for a long time. Due to its archaic style, teachers and students find it rather tedious to write and take. Novice high school students may have difficulty writing, as it is hard to write a logical and informative paper when your experience is poor.

The automatic flow of the paragraph is most times the source of frustrations for both the writer and their audience. The difficult part about writing a five-paragraph essay is that there is not much variety or variety of themes or topics. As a result of its broad, overarching nature, it encourages overly general thesis statements that lead to poorer writing quality. This paragraph should have the purpose of the essay. It should introduce the issue that is the central focus of the argument. Make it clear to the reader as to why you are writing the essay. Give your readers a glimpse into what they can expect to find in the essay. Next, make it clear to the reader that you are going to solve the issue that you are writing about.

The body provides the hook to the essay, making it possible for the reader to connect it to the introduction. In the five-paragraph essay, the hook typically ends at the end of the second paragraph. The body should have a thesis statement and three points. A thesis statement is like a question.

A five-paragraph essay is a simple format for writing a complete essay, fitting the minimal components of an essay into just five paragraphs. Below we discuss the fundamentals of the five-paragraph essay, explaining how to write one and what to include. Give your writing extra polish Grammarly helps you communicate confidently Write with Grammarly. The five-paragraph essay format is a guide that helps writers structure an essay. It consists of one introductory paragraph, three body paragraphs for support, and one concluding paragraph. The five-paragraph essay format is more popular for educational assignments, such as school papers or quick writing exercises. Think of it as a writing tool to guide structure rather than an independent genre of essay. Part of the appeal of the five-paragraph essay format is that it can accommodate all types of essays.

No matter your assignment, whether an argumentative essay or a compare-and-contrast essay , you can apply the structure of a five-paragraph essay to communicate clearly and logically, as long as your topic is simple enough to be covered in just five paragraphs. As with all essays, before you begin writing a five-paragraph essay, you first need to know your thesis, or main topic. Your thesis is the idea you will defend or expand upon, and ultimately what your entire essay is about, and the three paragraphs in the middle will support, prove, or elaborate on your thesis.

If your thesis is not provided in the assignment, choose one that has sufficient content for discussion, or at least enough to fill five paragraphs. Writers typically explain the thesis in the thesis statement , a sentence in the first paragraph that tells the reader what the essay is about. Your five-paragraph essay outline is like a blueprint where you can perfect the order and structure of your essay beforehand to save time on editing later. One of the biggest challenges in essay writing is transitioning from one paragraph to another. Good writing is seamless and fluid, so if your paragraph transitions are jarring or abrupt, readers will get distracted from the flow and lose momentum or even interest.

You can find a full list of transition words and phrases here. Just like in all prose writing, the basic components of your essay are its paragraphs. In five-paragraph essays, each paragraph has a unique role to play. Below we explain the goals for each specific paragraph and what to include in them. The first paragraph is crucial. Not only does it set the tone of your entire essay, it also introduces the topic to the reader so they know what to expect. Luckily, many of the same suggestions for how to start an essay still apply to five-paragraph essays. First and foremost, your introductory paragraph should contain your thesis statement. The thesis statement is often the first sentence, but feel free to move it back if you want to open with something more attention-grabbing, like a hook.

Your introductory paragraph is also a good spot to include any background context for your topic. You should save the most significant information for the body paragraphs, but you can use the introduction to give basic information that your readers might not know. Finally, your introductory paragraph should touch on the individual points made in the subsequent paragraphs, similar to an outline. Each paragraph should be a separate and independent topic that supports your thesis. Start each paragraph with a topic sentence , which acts a bit like a thesis statement, except it describes the topic of only that paragraph.

The topic sentence summarizes the point that the entire paragraph makes, but saves the details for the following sentences. After the topic sentence, fill in the rest of the paragraph with the details. These could be persuasive arguments, empirical data, quotes from authoritative sources, or just logical reasoning. Be sure to avoid any sentences that are off-topic or tangential; five-paragraph essays are supposed to be concise, so include only the relevant details. The final paragraph concludes the essay.

Here, the writer restates the thesis and reminds the reader of the points made in the three body paragraphs. If the goal of your essay is to convince the reader to do something, like donate to a cause or change their behavior, the concluding paragraph can also include a call to action. A call to action is a statement or request that explains clearly what the writer wants the reader to do. The basic principles of how to write a conclusion for an essay apply to five-paragraph essays as well. For example, the final paragraph is a good time to explain why this topic matters or to add your own opinion.

It also helps to end with a thought-provoking sentence, such as an open-ended question, to give your audience something to think about after reading. Capybaras make great pets, and the laws against owning them should be reconsidered. Capybaras are a dog-sized animal with coarse fur, native to eastern South America. For one thing, capybaras are rodents—the largest rodents in the world, actually—and plenty of rodents are already normalized as pets. Capybaras are closely related to guinea pigs and chinchillas, both of which are popular pets, and more distantly related to mice and rats, another common type of pet. In nature, most rodents including capybaras are social animals and live in groups, which makes them accustomed to life as a pet.

There are a lot of prevalent myths about capybaras that dissuade people from owning them, but most of these are unfounded. For example, people assume capybaras smell bad, but this is not true; their special fur actually resists odor. The one reasonable criticism for keeping capybaras as pets is that they are high-maintenance. Capybaras require lots of space to run around and are prone to separation anxiety if owners are gone most of the day. All in all, the advantages of capybaras as pets outweigh the cons. Even the extra maintenance they require is still manageable. If capybaras are illegal to own where you live, contact your local lawmakers and petition them to reconsider these laws.

Notice how each of the three body paragraphs focuses on its own particular topic. The first discusses how rodents in general make good pets, and the second dispels some common rumors about capybaras as pets. Last, the concluding paragraph reiterates the previous points and ties them together. The final sentence is written as a friendly send-off, leaving the reader at a high point. A five-paragraph essay is a basic form of essay that acts as a writing tool to teach structure. The five-paragraph essay structure consists of, in order: one introductory paragraph that introduces the main topic and states a thesis, three body paragraphs to support the thesis, and one concluding paragraph to wrap up the points made in the essay. How to Write a Five-Paragraph Essay, With Outlines and an Example Matt Ellis.

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