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Essay on student and politics

Essay on student and politics

English Essay on Students and Politics,Recent Posts

WebStudents’ participation in politics also develops the qualities of leadership. Instead of being timid, shy, bookworm, students grow into sincere, well aware, and actionable young WebJan 8,  · Students should study their subjects attentively and remain away from politics. Those who become politicians after a proper completion of their education will WebStudent politics is a term encompassing a broad range of student behavior. It generally refers to collective student activity that aims at effecting political or social change. Most WebStudents and Politics Essay With the growing student unrest in the country, everybody has started asking a question about whether students and politics can and should go WebJan 27,  · Politics is a hugely important domain in the world and it has a profound impact on the functioning as well as the policies of the governments. Politics has an ... read more

He cannot afford to take part in the luxuries of politics. Politics leads to some great interference in the studies of students. Interest in politics leads a student to participate actively in things like strikes, demonstrations, and processions. At times it brings them into a serious clash with the college authorities or the police. All this disrupts their studies and he loses his real purpose in life and goes astray. The ones who support the participation of students in politics argue that education and literacy are not the same.

A total and all-around development of personality are also important. Participation in politics makes a student aware of what is happening in his country and the world. Instead of being timid, shy, bookworm, students grow into sincere, well aware, and actionable young persons. Participation in politics trains a student to be a informed citizen and grow into a responsible and cultured being who is an asset to the nation. Such a person knows their duties towards his country. They develop debating skills and can always put forward their point of views with conviction.

Such students are trained for leadership. As a leader, they develop qualities such as courage, sincerity of purpose, a spirit of service, sympathy for their fellowmen, self-discipline, and a devotion to duty. A student must develop all important qualities during this period to enable them to lead a successful life. If kept away from politics, they might get into a lopsided personality. If we study, most of the current leaders of the country did take an active part in politics even during their student days. Thus a student should take part in politics but should not be an active participant. All activities are good if one remains within reasonable limits. Students should primarily be involved in their studies and should be prepared to join politics only if the situation threatens the unity or the freedom of the country.

A student should take part in politics but should not be an active participant. Yes, in no case should these young men and women be allowed to be used to monger hate and be a pet of the selfish and self-centered shoddy politicians. They should focus more on their studies and not fall victim to such things. Skip to content. Table of Contents. Should a student should take part in politics? In fact the political activities of students have deep effects on their minds. They begin taking politics to be more important than studies and even begin trying to become political leaders. They try to win the support of their fellow students First of all.

It is beneficial for students to increase their knowledge of the politics of their country and of other countries. They should try to know about the policies of their government as well as about the political and military events around the world. To know all this they may read newspapers and magazines or listen to the speeches of political leaders on the radio and television. They may even meet important political leaders at times to know their views on various social problems. In any case, students should not try to take an active part in politics by joining processions or demonstrations or even by attending public meetings. Often they are not in a mood to study their books for days together after a little of political activity. Students of the voting age may vote in elections. They may try to learn about the political programmes of different political parties.

However, they should never join political parties or become their active workers. Students should be above practical politics. Now they have to build and reconstruct their country. The country needs able engineers, doctors, scientists, administrators those who manages public affairs , teachers and workers in different fields. Students should study their subjects attentively and remain away from politics. Students may learn about politics as much as they can. They should not, however, take active part in politics. It has been a controversial topic for a long time whether students should actively participate in politics or not. Some politicians, teachers and students are of the view that students should whole-heartedly participate in politics and take active interest.

Those who are against this view also strongly put forward their points. Some people believe that politics, being a dirty game, creates groups and parties among the students. This leads to a lasting rivalry among them and disturbs their peace of mind thereby harming their academic progress. Students in schools and colleges should not waste their time in party bickerings.

Student politics is a term encompassing a broad range of student behavior. It generally refers to collective student activity that aims at effecting political or social change. But campus-directed activity aiming at university reform, like the influential student movement in Argentina, also may be included insofar as it is seen as having broader implications within the social and political context. It also can take place at any level of schooling, though postsecondary student politics has generally been most effectual and has received by far the most scholarly attention. Scholars have pointed to numerous factors accounting for the propensity of students to engage in political activity, including the higher prevalence of idealism among youth; the critical atmosphere of the university and frequently liberal views of faculty; the generally permissive campus culture; the geographical concentration of individuals with similar interests and motivations; the tendency for universities around the world to be located in politically significant cities; and the free time afforded students, especially by schools based on the European model.

Politically engaged students are more likely to come from affluent, educated backgrounds and are disproportionately concentrated in the humanities and social sciences. However prominent it may appear at times, student politics is almost always a minority phenomenon, generally involving only a small segment of the student body, and tends to be concentrated in large, quality schools. The relatively limited prevalence of political engagement within the student body may be explained in part by other aspects of student life that are less conducive to sustained political activity. High student turnover and fluctuating student interests make it difficult to build durable student organizations, and universities with demanding examination schedules—like those in the United States—leave students little time for extracurricular endeavors.

Scholarly interest in student politics was largely stimulated by the emergence of radical student activism in the s in the United States and other Western democracies, notably the heavy involvement of students in the civil rights movement through the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, the Berkeley Free Speech Movement, and the French student protests of May The roots of modern student politics go back much further, however. The first politically significant student organizations arose in Europe during the first half of the nineteenth century, particularly in the German Burschenschaften, and students played a significant role in the political upheavals in Germany and elsewhere. With few exceptions and thanks in large part to state repression, however, student activity in the West had limited impact until the s.

The same was not true in other parts of the world, where the European university model had been introduced through imperialism. In European countries, student politics has historically played a much more prominent and influential role on the national stage. Thanks to the often extensive contributions of students during independence struggles, as in countries like Burma, India, Kenya, and Vietnam, student politics was entrenched as an important part of the political scene; after independence there, students played a key role in modernization. Consequently, students tend to garner more respect in these countries, which increases the likely effectiveness of their activities and compels the government to take them seriously.

The impact of student actions has occasionally been huge—for instance, toppling the government of Adnan Menderes in Turkey and forcing the resignation of Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi in Japan in the s, and causing major political disruption in Burma and South. Korea in the late s, to name only a few examples. Many scholars have commented on the decline of student activism since the s, particularly in the West, though the perception of this trend may be influenced by fluctuating coverage in the mainstream media. A notable resurgence, however, was stimulated by the growth and significant achievements of international antiapartheid campaigns focusing on campus divestment in and Several factors may, however, have made it difficult for students to undertake the campaigns of old. Multiculturalism and postmodernism have become major forces on campuses, and under their influence student organizations have split into smaller and smaller pieces, with more targeted and thus smaller membership.

Certain issues like ant sweatshop activism, however, may provide new opportunities for broad-based campaigns. Internationally, student movements have become harder to situate ideologically, finding a middle ground between capitalism and communism in China and eastern Europe and allying themselves with religious fundamentalism in parts of the Islamic world. This example Student Politics Essay is published for educational and informational purposes only. If you need a custom essay or research paper on this topic please use our writing services. com offers reliable custom essay writing services that can help you to receive high grades and impress your professors with the quality of each essay or research paper you hand in.

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WebJan 8,  · Students should study their subjects attentively and remain away from politics. Those who become politicians after a proper completion of their education will WebStudent politics is a term encompassing a broad range of student behavior. It generally refers to collective student activity that aims at effecting political or social change. Most WebStudents and Politics Essay With the growing student unrest in the country, everybody has started asking a question about whether students and politics can and should go WebJan 27,  · Politics is a hugely important domain in the world and it has a profound impact on the functioning as well as the policies of the governments. Politics has an WebMuch can be said in support of and against the students participating in politics. Politics is a part of one’s life, especially in a democratic country like ours. Though the idea of WebStudents’ participation in politics also develops the qualities of leadership. Instead of being timid, shy, bookworm, students grow into sincere, well aware, and actionable young ... read more

It develops in him the qualities of leadership, instead of being a timid and shy bookworm. High student turnover and fluctuating student interests make it difficult to build durable student organizations, and universities with demanding examination schedules—like those in the United States—leave students little time for extracurricular endeavors. Naturally our first and foremost duty was to free her from the foreign domination. They require cultivation and discipline. Therefore students should never allow their attention to digress from their studies.

The student should never divert his attention from his studies. A student must develop all important qualities during this period essay on student and politics enable them to lead a successful life. I think as long as students study political problems from a detached point of view, there is no harm but the moment they throw themselves into active politics they run the risk of ruining their academic life. Throughout this paper, I examine how we analyze the role of television from the functional, conflict, and interactionist approaches. Therefore students should never allow their attention to digress from their studies. Pols Week 1 Personal Reflection Words 4 Pages Prior to this class, essay on student and politics, I was unaware of the knowledge on websites, media, and further informational outlets to aid me in researching political events, interest groups and legislation, and thus providing me a more well rounded viewpoint. Moreover, in a democratic set up every citizen must be aware of the political conditions prevailing in the country.

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