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Conserve water essay

Conserve water essay

How to Conserve Water Essay,Long and Short Essay on Save Water in English

Web+ Words Essay on Water Conservation Water makes up 70% of the earth as well as the human body. There are millions of marine species present in today’s world that reside in water. Similarly, humankind also depends on water. All the major industries require WebDec 13,  · Water Conservation Essay in English Water is the essential ingredient for all life to sustain on Earth. It is a magical potion that is only exclusive to Earth. Out of all WebWhat is water? It is life’s most basic need. Just as the ancient Greek philosopher, Thales, said: "Water is the divine source of all living beings”. We live on a blue planet where WebAbout 97 percent of the water is the oceans and is too salty for drinking, growing crops, and most other human resources”. (Frederick, ) Since globally there is a water crisis, it ... read more

Oxygen and other substances that dissolve in H2O are important for the survival of all aquatic life, including plants and fish. We live at a time in history where over a billion people have no access to safe drinking water and over three billion people have no access to sanitation. In about 19 seconds, a mother loses one of her children to a water-related illness. The degradation of the quality of water, not only harms our aquatic ecosystems, but the pollutants also reach the groundwater, which might end up in our houses as contaminated water we use in our daily activities. Sometimes water pollution can occur due to natural phenomena, such as volcano eruptions, animal waste, algae blooms, and residue from storms and floods.

Except for these factors, water pollution is caused by human activities. Everyday sewage and sometimes even garbage from cities are dumped into oceans resulting in polluting the water tremendously. Other factors that lead to pollution are oil spills, fossil fuel combustion, chemical fertilizers, and pesticides used by farmers. Once someone drinks this polluted water, it can lead to diseases such as hepatitis that can be fatal. Also, in many poor nations, there is always an outbreak of cholera and other infections due to contained H2O. This pollution is a threat to our whole existence. Agriculture is something that we need to give thought to.

This is our time in history to do something about it. So, how can we save water? We can save it by:. Countries need to look beyond the status quo and implement country-level actions to save water. If we just look at what water-proof countries have done, the solutions are out there. Also read the importance of water essay here. Conserving Water is not a difficult task at all. It all starts from our daily activities and how we use water. We must reduce our consumption only to the required amount and must not waste water. Drinking water is precious and vital for human survival. One must avoid using drinking water for other domestic purposes. Moreover, recycling water is the only way to replenish it.

Water can be recycled in a recycling plant. There they clean the unclean water that is free from harmful chemicals. Hard water, that is, water used for sanitation purposes are often discarded in recycling to drinking water. Another intelligent way to conserve water is through rainwater harvesting. Setting up rooftop rainwater harvesting systems is effective to store rainwater. Underground water can be replenished by conserving rain water. Setting up man-made reservoirs to store water can help conserve large amounts of water. Existing reservoirs must be cleaned, making them fit to store maximum water.

By simply maintaining water bodies free of pollution, water resources can be made to flourish. In a larger aspect water is abundantly used everywhere. Agriculture is one of the critical sectors in which water is highly needed. Without water, agriculture would be impossible and we would have no food to eat. Famines and droughts might provoke a catastrophe for humans. Furthermore, water is used for many scientific purposes. A large amount of electricity is taken by water dams. Extending the importance of water, millions of creatures other than humans also want water to survive.

Oceans provide shelter to thousands of varied aquatic organisms. Fisheries would be deeply affected if not for the water nourishment in oceans. Our entire ecosystem is dependent on the availability of water. An imbalance in the ecosystem will result in extreme disasters. Hence, conserving water is highly important! Check out the save water save life essay here. Conservation of water in the modern world is very essential. The population is increasing rapidly and in order to meet the requirements the future must be secured by saving water today. Exploiting the available water will result in water scarcity in the future and human beings will eventually die.

Conserving water today is vital in order to use it tomorrow. Nature contains a finite number of natural resources. The current global population outbreak is having a negative impact on natural resources. One study claims that within the next 20 years, human resources will be exhausted due to population growth. One of the most precious resources is water. It is essential to safeguard this important resource. We will cover every aspect of water conservation in the essays that follow. We hope that the Water Conservation Essay articulated the importance of Conserving water effectively. For more such essays and quality content download the Testbook App! Importance of Cleanliness Essay. Social Networking Sites Essay. My First Day At School Essay. Home Essay Water Conservation Essay.

Last updated on Dec 13, Also the children in these areas are not able to achieve their basic right of education due to these issues. We do not need to make extra efforts for water conservation; we only need to bring some positive changes in our daily activities. Ensure tight closing of the tap after every use, use bucket and mug for washing or bathing instead of using shower, close the running tap wherever you find one etc are little efforts which can bring a big change. A little effort from the end of millions of people can give a big positive result towards the save water campaign.

As a responsible citizen of India, we all should join hands for the cause and save water without wasting a drop of it. There is a true saying that a small effort of everyone can give a big result just like many drops of water form a huge water body like pond, river and sea. Save water is the water conservation through various means in order to maintain the supply of fresh and clean water. As the availability of fresh water sources are diminishing, water conservation or save water campaigns are very important so that fresh and clean water is made available to all the people across the world as well as for the future generations. Large water bodies are getting polluted on daily basis by the industrial waste materials.

The improper waste management has added to the issue. Pesticides and fertilizers have also contaminated water bodies and ground water. Irresponsible use of water and too much of water wastage have also reduced the availability of clean water. Proper water management systems should be implemented in all the industries, buildings, apartments, school, hospitals etc to make the efficient use of water without wasting a drop of it. Awareness programmes should be run to let common people know about the importance of water and how it should be used in a limited quantity without wasting it. The young generation should also work to spread the awareness on saving water.

Rainwater harvesting should be initiated in all areas. It helps to replenish ground water and can also be used in various purposes. Water scarcity has become a major issue in many parts of world and demand for water has increased six times past few decades. It is important that we start taking crucial steps in saving water available on earth. It is the responsibility and duty of every citizen of our country to use water in a responsible way and avoid the wastage of water because every drop of water we save will help others in their survival.

As we all know that water gives life to us and other living things on the earth. It is very essential for the survival of human race and other species on earth. Without water, we cannot imagine the existence of life on any planet. Earth is the only known planet till date which has water and life, hence it becomes essential for us to conserve this resource which is the base of life. The normal cycle of water balance runs naturally like evaporation and rain. However, the problem is with the availability of safe drinking water on the earth which is available in a very less amount and here is what the conservation of water comes in the picture.

In order to know the answer of why we should save water, first we should know the importance of water and how water is valuable to us in our lives. Life is not possible without air, water and food. But most importantly, after air, water is the second most precious in all the three necessities for survival of life. Now the question is how much pure water we have on earth. If we estimate the ratio of drinking water and total population of the world, it would be, more than a billion of people all across the world are surviving on 1 gallon of water per day. It has also been estimated that more than 3 billion people would suffer water shortages by the year Though people have started understanding the value of clean water, but they have still not started to save water.

Saving water is a good habit and every one of us should try their best to save water for the continuation of life on this planet. Few years back no one imagined that water would be sold on shops but today it has become a common scenario. We can clearly imagine that, in the near future there would be shortage of clean water all over the world so water conservation is the only solution if we want to avoid this situation. There are few easy ways which helps to save water without changing your lifestyle.

Save water is an essential topic for the students to prepare for the examination and even to be taken on serious notes in real life. Save water essay is common for the children of age group 7 to 15 years. The students of class 3 to 8 can take help from this article to prepare for the exam. We have included important points in this essay that will help the students to score well in their examination and competition. Mother Earth has given many gifts to us, and water is one of those precious gifts. It is quite hard to imagine our life without water. Water is needed for all the plants and organisms to survive on this planet. Earth is known as a blue planet due to a tremendous amount of water content. This 3. The unfortunate thing is that the freshwater sources are ending up slowly.

This is a big reason to worry that may lead to a water crisis in the future generations. The consumption of water is increasing day by day with an increase in population. Simultaneously we need to save the water to avoid scarcity of water that may be caused due to unlimited use of water. Save water does not only mean to fill our reservoirs but also save water from pollution. It is not just a slogan. It has a dire message for the whole world to understand the seriousness of water conservation. The students can write these points in the examination to brief the importance of saving water. As per a report by the United Kingdom-based Ellen MacArthur Foundation — If the water pollution continues at the current rate then by , there will be more plastic in the oceans than fishes.

Hence, we should save water for sure. Still, simultaneously we need to control water pollution especially plastic pollution in water resources. they can add these points to make their essay informative. Ideas to save water in our daily life-. It is an excellent opportunity to raise awareness about water conservation. You can make a group with your friends organize your own events like raising awareness about this global issue, cleaning up the river banks or beaches, etc. Celebrate world water day by contributing little effort from you. Your small step will surely make a big difference in the mission of saving water save life. Conservation of water is needed to save a life, to protect the environment and eventually to save the planet. We need to make efforts to conserve water to secure our present and more importantly, our future also.

Mother Earth has done a lot for us so far. Now, this is our turn to protect mother earth from destruction. Still, we have some hope. We can safeguard what remains we have for the betterment of mankind and the environment as a whole. Your email address will not be published. Table of Contents 1 Save Water Essay 1. Also Read: Water pollution essay for kids from class 3 to class 6. Also Check: Types of Marine Ecosystem and Characteristics. July 5, Show Comments. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

Water Conservation Essay,How to Conserve Water?

WebAbout 97 percent of the water is the oceans and is too salty for drinking, growing crops, and most other human resources”. (Frederick, ) Since globally there is a water crisis, it Web+ Words Essay on Water Conservation Water makes up 70% of the earth as well as the human body. There are millions of marine species present in today’s world that reside in water. Similarly, humankind also depends on water. All the major industries require WebDec 13,  · Water Conservation Essay in English Water is the essential ingredient for all life to sustain on Earth. It is a magical potion that is only exclusive to Earth. Out of all WebWhat is water? It is life’s most basic need. Just as the ancient Greek philosopher, Thales, said: "Water is the divine source of all living beings”. We live on a blue planet where ... read more

Get Access. Water is needed for growing food, keeping ourselves clean, generating power, controlling fire and most importantly to stay alive! How to write a Water Conservation Essay? We, as human beings, use this liquid for drinking, bathing, cooking, cleaning, washing… Water is also an important source of irrigation of crops in agriculture. Water recycling is defined as reusing treated wastewater for beneficial purposes such as watering gardens, field irrigation, parks, golf courses, fire hydrants, cooling industry machinery, and toilet flushing. Wastes can be eliminated with the help of urination, perspiration, and bowel movements. Government should ensure that there is no dumping of waste material from factories and industries into water bodies.

As we know that there is already a scarcity of water so it becomes important that whatever quantity is available on earth should be used properly without any wastage, conserve water essay. These tips will conserve water essay help to save water but the most important thing is that it has to be followed strictly. We should save water from being polluted and avoid the mixing of industrial wastes into the water. What is the significance of water? But still, We use it carelessly.

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