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Aggressive drivers essay

Aggressive drivers essay

Aggressive Driving,Summarizing and Paraphrasing a Source Activity

WebNov 24,  · Aggressive drivers react foolishly toward others in several dangerous ways. One way an angry driver reacts is to cut off another motorist. He sometimes passes on WebNov 18,  · (1)Aggressive driving is a phenomenon, which has only recently got the public worried. (2)The National Highway Traffic Safety Council (NHTSC) defines WebAggressive Driving Behavior Essay Aggressive Driving In New Jersey. As of , AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety stated, “Aggressive behavior accounts Essay On Teen WebJun 9,  · Aggressive Drivers The number of vehicles on freeways and streets is increasing at an alarming rate. This influx of motor vehicles is creating hazardous WebAug 10,  · Aggressive driving is a series of traffic offenses that endanger the driver as well as others on the road. The person engaged in aggressive driving does it for ... read more

Hyde transformation. Reduced enforcement, highway traffic , congestion or personal issues also play a large role in the. Continue Reading. You May Also Find These Documents Helpful. Satisfactory Essays. Summarizing and Paraphrasing a Source Activity Words 5 Pages. Summarizing and Paraphrasing a Source Activity. Read More. Quoting, Summarizing, and Paraphrasing a Source Words 4 Pages. Quoting, Summarizing, and Paraphrasing a Source. Good Essays. Angry Behind the Wheel Words 3 Pages. Angry Behind the Wheel. Impaired and Aggressive Driving Words 2 Pages. Impaired and Aggressive Driving.

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Summarizing and Paraphrasing a Source Activity Essay Example. Road Rage Words Pages. Road Rage. The journey to the center of the earth Words 17 Pages. The journey to the center of the earth. Related Topics. The increase in cases of rude and extreme driving behavior in recent years could be chalked up to the fact that there are more drivers driving more miles on the same roads than ever before, says NHTSA. AAA Foundation for Safe Driving, How to Avoid Aggressive Driving. SPONSORED BY. Driving Behaviors Reported For Drivers And Motorcycle Operators Involved In Fatal Crashes, Behavior Number 1 Percent Driving too fast for conditions or in excess of posted limit or racing 10, Source: U.

Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. As a motorist tries to cut off another one he would shift from one side to another without signalling or looking. This, indeed, would endanger other motorists as they might not be able to keep their automobiles under control and their vehicles might skid and crash into each other. As a result, a small movement might cause a serious collision that involves many cars. Another way is to tailgate the other car. But sometimes this irresponsible behaviour might cause serious accidents.

For example, Abu Ahmad, who is a taxi driver, was once angry of another driver. He kept tailgating him but unfortunately the other driver had to stop emergently as a young boy suddenly appeared in front of him. Indeed, Abu Ahmad had to slam on his brakes. His car swerved, skidded and crashed into another vehicle. As a result, he had to stay in a hospital for 3 weeks and to spend thousands of Syrian pounds to repair what he has damaged. In addition to cutting off and tailgating other cars, aggressive drivers often use rude language or gestures to show their anger.

Exaggerating in using bad language embarrasses pedestrians and other drivers. Furthermore, these insulting words are usually very offensive and may cause fighting between drivers in case the other driver get out of his car and start swearing and shouting. Although law enforcement authorities warn motorists against aggressive driving, the numbers who act out their angry impulses has not declined. This, indeed, is the result of tow factors: not legislating serious punishments for aggressive driving and ignoring the rules of driving by many motorists. On the one hand, legislating punishments for foolish behaviours is very crucial to decrease the number of such accidents. At the same time that police officers have the right to arrest any driver who is drunk they should also have the right to capture aggressive drivers as both drunk and foolishly behaving drivers threaten the safety of motorways.

On the other hand, our drivers should be more accurate in obeying the rules.

Impaired and aggressive driving can both very often lead to incidents on the road. If you do either of them, you can risk your life and the life of others. If people drive responsibly they will reduce the chances of conflicts on the road and help make our roads safer. When confronted with heavy traffic, aggressive drivers often engage in dangerous behavior such as passing on the right, using utility or turn lanes as driving lanes, and ignoring traffic signals. Paradoxically, aggressive drivers often pride themselves on their skill. They see other, more cautious drivers as the problem, not themselves. Road rage is currently defined as intentionally participating in risky driving behaviors that are known to increase the likelihood of a crash.

Previous definitions of road rage did not include intent. This definition change shows that road rage is something that one chooses to do instead of unconsciously doing it. Two forms of road rage have been identified: mild and severe. Mild forms of road rage include obscene gestures and name calling. Severe forms of road rage include threats, physical confrontation, and murder. Certain road conditions, like construction or a detour,…. Although the two terms are often used interchangeably, the law sees them as two different things. One will get you fines and higher car insurance premiums, while the other can land you in jail.

Aggressive driving is a series of traffic offenses that endanger the driver as well as others on the road. The person engaged in aggressive driving does it for reasons other than threatening another motorist. He may tailgate out of habit or as a way to indicate that he'd like you to speed up or move over into the slower lane. He cuts off another car because he decides that he can pull off the maneuver, not because he wants to intimidate the motorist. In North Carolina, 1 person is killed or injured in speed-related crashes every 22 minutes. The risk of a crash in a 60 mph zone doubles with every 5 mph above the limit. The public needs to be more aware of the dangers of speeding. You can frequently watch ads for fast cars and ways to avoid police on the roads.

The police and the community have expressed particular concern about the potential of these ads to influence the behavior of young drivers. The risk of being involved in a crash increases with the speed a vehicle is being driven because there is less time to react, less control of the vehicle and the distance needed to stop is longer. The higher the speed a vehicle is travelling when it hits a pedestrian the greater the chance of a fatality occurring. The impact on a person in a crash at 60 mph is equivalent to falling from a four story building, while the impact at mph equals falling from a story building.

Speeding has been implicated as a contributing factor in about one-third of all fatal motor-vehicle crashes. Speed reduces the amount of available time needed to avoid a crash, increases the likelihood of crashing and increases the severity of a crash once it occurs. Speeding is defined as travelling faster than the posted speed limit or travelling too fast for the road condition. Such as when it is raining, snowing, fog present, dust storm, ice on the road, or even bad visibility from the sun rising or setting. Realistically as you start your day it is safe to assume that you have no intentions of being in a head on collision and your vehicle being bashed nor did the person who was nonchalantly steering the car with their knee while texting as they were driving.

Ultimately I think everyone will come across at least one irresponsible driver in their lifetime. Most of us are fortunate enough to survive these encounters, however not everyone is that lucky. Impaired and aggressive driving are two leading causes of incidents on the road, these causes have…. Driving my son to school every day can become a hassle. There are so many dangerous oppositions we face when on the road. Many drivers today are developing very dangerous driving habits. Speeding, eating, texting, and drinking while driving are some of the unsafe habits I have witnessed while in my…. However, this statement is wrong. Driving offensively is safer.

Three ways to drive offensively is drunk driving, not using turn signals and ignoring traffic laws. Aggressive driving is a way of unlawful driving by a driver in such a manner affecting other type of vehicles on the road…. Specific Purpose: To persuade the audience that aggressive driving is dangerous and is a serious problem on the roads today. Aggressive driving is an ongoing problem on our roadways that is completely unnecessary and preventable. There are many causes, dangers, and solutions. We can stop this growing epidemic before it rages out of control by gaining our composure, realizing the problem and implementing corrective action.

You are driving down the highway when suddenly a car comes speeding past in a blur and zips from lane to lane like a hot potato. Then there is a car that signals a lane change in order to let the daredevil through and avoids an accident. Then you notice a car timidly veering into another lane continuously looking back and forth with no car in sight. Anyone that has been driving for a while has likely experienced these types of drivers before. Most drivers can fit into three main types, the nervous drivers, the good drivers, and the reckless drivers. HOME ESSAYS Aggressive Driving. Top-Rated Free Essay. Aggressive Driving Good Essays. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality.

Thesis: Aggressive driving has become very real and very deadly in many areas of North Texas. replace with your area I. Aggressive driving A. Types B. Causes II. Foundation For Traffic Safety Study A. Injuries and Deaths B. Weapons III. Distractions A. Home away from home B. Alcohol title:Aggressive Driving in North Texas replace with your area or town on title and throughout essay Drivers know it when they see it. Cars racing down a crowded road, darting in and out of lanes, tailgating, and drivers yelling and gesturing at others are all behaviors that are recognized as aggressive driving. The dangerous driving conditions in north Texas has steadily risen these past few years. In some instances the driving behavior in this area escalates into assault with the vehicle itself or with a weapon, increasing the severity of the event from a traffic incident to a criminal offense.

North Texas drivers are becoming more and more fearful of the threat of violence on the highways and evidence indicates these incidents are occurring more and more often as time goes on. Growing concerns about these drivers and the hazards they create on the roads have lead to numerous safety precautions and laws to govern the problem at hand. The hostile driving conditions in the area it is a problem that needs to be addressed with enforcement techniques such as photo radar and red light cameras to reduce some types of violations that are often occurring in North Texas.

Aggressive driving in this area includes a whole range of driving behaviors that might include speeding, tailgating, weaving and running red lights or any combination of these activities. Gesturing, yelling and flashing high beams are other actions often mentioned in any description of aggressive driving. Stated reasons for violent traffic disputes included arguments over parking spaces, cutting off other drivers, minor collisions, obscene gestures, loud music, slow driving, tailgating and similar behaviors. The disputes, however, are rarely the result of one event, but an accumulation of stressors that add up to the last straw. According to the North Texas Foundation for Traffic Safety study, incidents of aggressive driving have increased by 7 percent every year since A total of 12, people were injured and killed as the result of aggressive driving incidents.

Many of the incidents described in the survey involved weapons. In approximately 44 percent of the violent altercations the perpetrator used a firearm, knife, club or tire iron. In 23 percent of the cases, the attacker used the car as a weapon. Texas and especially North Texas is aware that at least 24 states that have established law enforcement programs that specifically target aggressive driving and is interested in taking similar actions. Distractions from driving is a major cause of roadway crashes. Motorists are often seen eating, drinking, even shaving as they drive. Some drivers make their automobiles a home away from home, with fax machines and laptop computers. Alcohol remains the leading factor contributing to dangerous driving.

This year, at least 18 accidents have resulted from people driving under the influence and 47 persons were arrested for driving drunk. In addition to its role as a high risk factor for causing motor vehicle accidents, alcohol intoxication increases the risk of death or serious injury during or after an accident, and it can limit the ability of the a person to escape from the vehicle after an accident. We have all seen aggressive drivers who carelessly express frustration. Drivers climb into the anonymity of an automobile and take out their frustrations on anybody at any time. Their emotions are high and the concern for fellow motorists is low. Aggressive driving has become very real and very deadly in many areas of North Texas. Safety groups and law enforcement groups have developed programs to target the problem, and legislators have introduced a flurry of bills to combat aggressive drivers and two of those have now become law.

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Aggressive driving,Three Characteristics Of Road Rage

WebNov 18,  · (1)Aggressive driving is a phenomenon, which has only recently got the public worried. (2)The National Highway Traffic Safety Council (NHTSC) defines WebAggressive Driving Behavior Essay Aggressive Driving In New Jersey. As of , AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety stated, “Aggressive behavior accounts Essay On Teen WebJun 9,  · Aggressive Drivers The number of vehicles on freeways and streets is increasing at an alarming rate. This influx of motor vehicles is creating hazardous WebAug 10,  · Aggressive driving is a series of traffic offenses that endanger the driver as well as others on the road. The person engaged in aggressive driving does it for WebNov 24,  · Aggressive drivers react foolishly toward others in several dangerous ways. One way an angry driver reacts is to cut off another motorist. He sometimes passes on ... read more

Argumentative Essay: The Dangers Of Driving Fast. Moreover, drivers are in such a rush to get to their destinations that many become angry or impatient with other motorists who are too slow or who are in their way. You can use it as an example when writing your own essay or use it as a source, but you need cite it. When confronted with heavy traffic, aggressive drivers often engage in dangerous behavior such as passing on the right, using utility or turn lanes as driving lanes, and ignoring traffic signals. Argumentative Essay: The Dangers Of Driving Fast Words 2 Pages.

The impact on a person in a crash at 60 mph is equivalent to falling from a four story building, while the impact at mph equals falling from a story building. This makes "road rage" a serious issue of traffic. Road rage is not unique to America and has been the topic of a great deal of media, research, and government attention in numerous aggressive drivers essay across the…. Home Free essay Aggressive driving. May be they had a bad day, may be they are in a rush to get somewhere, or may be they have no idea how to drive properly. It has the mentality of a hoodlum and the backbone of a coward" Gottfried, aggressive drivers essay,p.

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